K1C 1E8 - 613-841-8370
Monday to Friday: 10am - 8pm
Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday: closed - Email us
- Visit our website

Today there are hundreds of thousands of enthusiasts across Canada making wines, many of which are comparable, or even better than commercial products. Standards are steadily rising; wine kits constantly improve and home-made wines have never been better! Moreover, you can customize your wine! How oaky, how strong, how sweet-it is all up to you to decide. You are in control!
At Pure Brew you can choose from a vast array of beer or wine-making kits either to indulge in your favorite hobby at home or to make on our premises. We carry a complete inventory of the wine styles that our suppliers have to offer. Should you wish to brew at home we also carry all of the equipment necessary for you to do so. We also have available for rent a mini-jet filter and a floor corker which you may bring home to make the last steps of the process as easy as if you were brewing on premises. Certified sommelier and experienced winemakers are available at the store to help you choose your wine or beer and answer all questions you may have about wine and wine making! So come on in, We look forward to seeing you.